World’s Greenest City: The Frondescence of Copenhagen

Sneha Gupta
2 min readJan 5, 2022

Capital to Denmark, Copenhagen has received many accolades in terms of sustainable living. Being sensible to the environment & prescient in its outlook has made Copenhagen the world’s greenest city. Touted as one of the happiest cities to live, Copenhagen has adopted a mix of progressive policies & provides an ecologically sound options to its people. So, what makes Copenhagen hold this esteemed title? Let’s have a look:

1. Cycleway

According to a report, Copenhagers cycle an average of 1.44 million kilometres daily. 62% of the population commute using bicycles. Switching to cycle over motor cars cuts down on greenhouse gas emission ultimately reducing air pollution. The government has invested a lot in the cycling infrastructure & planning strategies to prioritize cycling as a mode of safety, comfort & speed travel. There are four categories to cycle infrastructure: traffic-calmed streets, painted cycle lanes, independent cycle tracks, and green routes.

2. Green Roofs

As per policy framed in 2010, all major buildings in the city should have green roofs. A concept which rest of the world is trying to emulate for a more sustainable environment. Green roofs reduce the air temperature, provides better air quality & above all acts as a water catchment system that is used for harvesting. The gorgeousness that these green roofs offer the o eye is another story!

3. Recycling

Waste management in Copenhagen is one top-notch. Waste is segregated under 11 categories namely organic, residual, plastic, hazardous, cardboard, electronics, bulky, paper, glass, garden & metal. Waste bins & recycling stations are easily found in the city, people can either go the recycling stations or ask them to be collected at their door by the municipality of the town. Eventually systematic recycling methodology prevents pollution, saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, etcetera.

4. Parks & Green Spaces

A visit to Copenhagen cannot be complete without visiting their Parks. Kings Garden & Superkilen park being the favourite tourist attractions. 25% of the area in Copenhagen is of green spaces, which leads to 80 % of Copenhagers living at a distance of 300meters to a green area. The parks are well maintained & a reflection of their own creativity.

With its balanced ecosystem & unique approach Copenhagen has made a mark in the world towards a sustainable environment.

